Forum Discussion
6 years agoGuide
I've adapted Eric Brandel's function for use in Khoros for easy copy/paste if anyone in the future needs it:
<#macro objectToJson object>
<@compress single_line=true>
<#if object?is_hash || object?is_hash_ex>
<#assign first="true">
<#list object?keys as key>
<#if first="false">,</#if>
<#assign value><@objectToJson object=object[key] /></#assign>
"${key}" : ${value}
<#assign first="false">
<#elseif object?is_enumerable>
<#assign first="true">
<#list object as item>
<#if first="false">,</#if>
<#assign value><@objectToJson object=item /></#assign>
<#assign first="false">
6 years agoKhoros Oracle
Note that as of 19.6, we also have the following utils object for working with JSON:
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