Error returned assigning a new created page to a BlogPage
In Lithium studio I created a new page using the naming convention prefix 'BlogPage.' to make the page available as a replacement for the default BlogPage layout in a category.
In admin mode I assigned a default skin to the page just to make sure it looked different from other pages.
In the Community Structure I created a new BlogPage for a category. After which I opened the category in admin mode. In the content tab > custom pages settings I set the BlogPage dropdown to my newly created page.
When I try to view the BlogPage it returns an error:
An Unexpected Error has occurred.
The component causing the issue is: (content). If you have recently made changes to this page or component, please use this link to be taken to the Page Editor in Studio.
I've followed the instructions from the Lithium Administrator's Guide: Basic Studio
I am not sure where to look and the error message is not helpful. This seems basic functionality am I missing a step or should I look into my Lithium environment configuration? Any help would be much appreciated.