Forum Discussion

johncherba's avatar
6 years ago

Error: [UPLOAD_FAIL] Some error occurred in uploading the plugin. Please contact your administrator

Getting the following error when uploading plugin. Please advise. Working fine until today. Thank you.

[11:14:26] Loaded gulp tasks in: 1.1 s
[11:14:26] Using gulpfile ~/WebstormProjects/community-lithium/gulpfile.js
[11:14:26] Starting 'plugin-build'...
[11:14:26] Starting 'clean-tmp'...
[11:14:26] Starting 'clean-dist'...
[11:14:26] Starting 'clean-plugin-zip'...
[11:14:26] Finished 'clean-tmp' after 12 ms
[11:14:26] Finished 'clean-dist' after 1.37 ms
[11:14:26] Finished 'clean-plugin-zip' after 4.1 ms
[11:14:26] Starting 'clean'...
[11:14:26] Finished 'clean' after 14 μs
[11:14:26] Starting 'plugin-build-res'...
[11:14:26] Starting 'plugin-build-web'...
[11:14:26] Starting 'plugin-copy-files'...
[11:14:26] Starting 'plugin-git-version'...
[11:14:26] Finished 'plugin-git-version' after 76 μs
[11:14:26] Finished 'plugin-copy-files' after 485 μs
[11:14:26] Finished 'plugin-build-res' after 25 ms
[11:14:26] Finished 'plugin-build-web' after 33 ms
[11:14:26] Finished 'plugin-build' after 50 ms
[11:14:26] Starting 'plugin-verify'...
[11:14:26] Tested 59 tests, 59 passes, 0 failures: PASS
[11:14:26] Tested 20 tests, 20 passes, 0 failures: PASS
[11:14:26] Tested 21 tests, 21 passes, 0 failures: PASS
[11:14:26] Done compiling plugin: /Users/johncherba/WebstormProjects/community-lithium/plugin
[11:14:26] Finished 'plugin-verify' after 91 ms
[11:14:26] Starting 'plugin-ready'...
[11:14:26] Done compiling plugin: /Users/johncherba/WebstormProjects/community-lithium/plugin
[11:14:26] Finished 'plugin-ready' after 119 μs
[11:14:26] Starting 'plugin-upload'...
[11:14:26] Finished 'plugin-upload' after 2.71 ms
? Would you like to upload plugin to server? Yes
[11:14:27] Uploading plugin
[11:14:28] [gulp] Error in plugin 'submit-plugin': Error: [UPLOAD_FAIL] Some error occurred in uploading the plugin. Please contact your administrator for further details.
[11:14:28] Plugin upload failed
  • I know I'm late to the game but this exact issue happened with us today and I wanted to share how we ended up resolving it.  This is what I did:

    First I created a brand new project in another directory with li create-project.  (My broken project was in ~/khoros/sdk so I created the directory ~/khoros/new_sdk and created the project in there with the name sdk to match the original, which means I ended up with the directory ~/khoros/new_sdk/sdk as my root project path.)

    Whenever I create a new SDK project I always get the "Cannot find module 'object.defaults'" error described in this post and need to perform the workaround from Denizbaby provided here and shown below.

    # rm -rf ~/khoros/new_sdk/sdk/node_modules
    # cd ~/khoros/new_sdk/sdk && npm install​


    I then entered the new root project directory and used the li export-plugin --force and li submit-plugin --force --dryrun commands to verify that the new project was working as expected.

    I didn't want to sever the symbolic links that were present and being used by some automated scripts, so rather than just moving/renaming the bad sdk directory and moving the working new_sdk/sdk directory into its place,  I created a copy of the broken SDK project, deleted everything inside the broken sdk/ directory, and then copied everything from the working new_sdk/sdk/ directory into the original location. 

    This is illustrated in the code snippet and screenshot below.

    # mkdir ~/khoros/sdk.bad.2021-01-15
    # cp -r ~/khoros/sdk/* ~/khoros/sdk.bad.2021-01-15/
    # rm -rf ~/khoros/sdk/*
    # cp -ar ~/khoros/new_sdk/sdk/* sdk/​

    I then tried running li submit-plugin --force (with and without --dryrun) in the original directory (sdk/) with the new files present, and it was successful.

    I hope this helps anyone who runs into this issue in the future, because it was a beast to troubleshoot.  🙂

3 Replies

  • johncherba 

    Try updating your project modules again using:

    sudo li update-project

    or try installing different version of your Lithium SDK.

    using command:

    sudo npm install -g lithium-sdk@1.4.1


    In the latest version 19.5 of Khoros community there are few updates they have made in SDK new version supporting 1.6. If your community is upgraded to the same, try contact support or use different version.



  • johncherba's avatar
    6 years ago

    Thanks for the reply Parchant.

    We have been using lithium-sdk v1.6 and our platform is v19.4. It had been working with no issues. I did run li update-project and that did not work. I'm hesitant to install an earlier version of lithium-sdk considering it was working just fine. Any ideas are helpful and we have escalated to support.

    Thanks again.

  • jeffshurtliff's avatar
    5 years ago

    I know I'm late to the game but this exact issue happened with us today and I wanted to share how we ended up resolving it.  This is what I did:

    First I created a brand new project in another directory with li create-project.  (My broken project was in ~/khoros/sdk so I created the directory ~/khoros/new_sdk and created the project in there with the name sdk to match the original, which means I ended up with the directory ~/khoros/new_sdk/sdk as my root project path.)

    Whenever I create a new SDK project I always get the "Cannot find module 'object.defaults'" error described in this post and need to perform the workaround from Denizbaby provided here and shown below.

    # rm -rf ~/khoros/new_sdk/sdk/node_modules
    # cd ~/khoros/new_sdk/sdk && npm install​


    I then entered the new root project directory and used the li export-plugin --force and li submit-plugin --force --dryrun commands to verify that the new project was working as expected.

    I didn't want to sever the symbolic links that were present and being used by some automated scripts, so rather than just moving/renaming the bad sdk directory and moving the working new_sdk/sdk directory into its place,  I created a copy of the broken SDK project, deleted everything inside the broken sdk/ directory, and then copied everything from the working new_sdk/sdk/ directory into the original location. 

    This is illustrated in the code snippet and screenshot below.

    # mkdir ~/khoros/sdk.bad.2021-01-15
    # cp -r ~/khoros/sdk/* ~/khoros/sdk.bad.2021-01-15/
    # rm -rf ~/khoros/sdk/*
    # cp -ar ~/khoros/new_sdk/sdk/* sdk/​

    I then tried running li submit-plugin --force (with and without --dryrun) in the original directory (sdk/) with the new files present, and it was successful.

    I hope this helps anyone who runs into this issue in the future, because it was a beast to troubleshoot.  🙂