Event Subscription Troubleshooting
I've been following the instructions on this page for subscribing to the UserCreate event. So far, I've only done this in our Lithium staging environment.
However, I've yet to see any events being POSTed back to my callback URL, and nothing in the access logs on my side, either. This makes me think that there's a communication issue between Lithium staging and my dev environment. So, two questions:
1.) Can I see what events are subscribed to and the callback URLs for those events?
2.) Are there Lithium error logs for trying to POST to those callback URLs?
My thoughts here are that if Lithium gets a connection timeout, or some other such error, when trying to POST to my callback URL, then I need to work at allowing that communication and ensuring it's not being blocked. Also, being able to see the events I'm subscribed to and the callback URLs Lithium is trying to use would assure me of that subscription configuration's correctness.