Forum Discussion

qinglau's avatar
11 years ago

Exclude topic in REST API response

Hello Guys,


I am working on a custom componment which will display list of blog articles under one category node. I am using a REST API call to get all topics from the specifc catergory. For example:

 I create my own array object and try to iterator the response result from my REST API call to exclude the feature topic id. 

 <#assign articles=[]>
	     <#assign totArticles = 4 />
		 <#assign counter  = 1 />
	     <#-- Exclude hero article from blogArticles list-->
         <#assign AllblogArticles = rest("${rootPath}/topics?").node_message_context />
	     <#assign featuredID = latestFeatured( />
		 <#list AllblogArticles.message as msg>
			              <#assign articles = articles + [ msg ] />


The lastestFeatured is the function that gets the lastest featured id.


After my own array is done and exclude the featured topic in my REST API response results. I am using my own arrray "articles" to display my results in HTML . I lmisted it that will only show 4 results in once


 <#list articles as msg>
			 	 <li class="tiles-tile">
					<@component id="custom-kpncoblog-article" hero="false" message=msg slim=is_slim/>
				 	 <#if counter  == totArticles>
				       <#assign counter  = counter  + 1 />


However, i find out that there is an empty content array in my custom array object. It brings me an empty component. 


I think it is the something wrong during my own arrray creation process. The if condition code(


) skips the content of the specific topic , but my own array just create an index for that.


12-4-2014 10-12-36.png


I am wondering whether someone has a better solution or advice ?


Thank you



5 Replies

  • HaidongG's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    11 years ago

    Hi qinglau ,


    your array initialization looks alright, I tried your code (with minor modification) with my test environment, it is working.  I guess, you may have to focus with the following points to debug

    • what is the value for ${rootPath} in your component?
    • what is the value for latestFeatured(
    • any CSS blocking the display?


    <#assign rootPath = "/boards/id/my-category-id" />
    <#assign articles=[]>
    <#assign AllblogArticles = rest("${rootPath}/topics?").node_message_context />
    <#list AllblogArticles.message as msg>
           <#assign articles = articles + [ msg ] />
    <#list articles as msg>
    ${} <br>


  • qinglau's avatar
    11 years ago

    Hi HaiDong,



    1. rootPath is the current node level. The code is


    <#if nodeType == 'board'>
    	 <#assign rootType = "blogs">
    	 <#assign rootPath = "blogs/id/" + rootNodeId/>
    	 <#assign rootType = "categories">
    	 <#assign rootPath = "categories/id/" + rootNodeId/>

     2. latestFeatured( will return featured topic ID in "init" format.


    3. There is no CSS blocking the code.


    Is there a way to convert the int value into string value? and then i can compare "featuredID !" Currently, i got error said only compare string to string or int to int  error.


    Thank you,



  • HaidongG's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    11 years ago

    Hi qinglau ,


    oh, your latestFeatured( returns a integer? if like that, 


    you can do it either 





  • Hi qinglau ,


    Let me just clarify my understanding. You would like to display 4 blog topics  and exclude featured blog article from it. If my understanding is correct , this might be of help.


    <#assign featuredThreadId = rest("/blogs/id/cs_blog/threads/featured") />
    <#assign blogList = rest("/blogs/id/cs_blog/topics").node_message_context />
    <#assign counter = 0 />

    <#assign limit = 4 />
    <#list blogList.message as blog>

    <#if!=featuredThreadId && (counter< limit-1)>
    <#assign counter = counter?number +1/>

    <li>${counter} ${blog.subject} <br/></li>


    The above snippet is under the assumption , there would be only one featured article. If there might be more than one , we would have to change the code a bit. 

    Since I have initialized the counter as 0 , I have checked for limit-1 .

    You can improvise on this.


    Hope that helps.




  • qinglau's avatar
    11 years ago

    Hi Guys, 


    thank you for the replying. During few days testing, i found out that two main issues in my current solutions. 


    1. When i am build the list of articles via my REST API call: 


             <#assign AllblogArticles = rest("${rootPath}/topics?").node_message_context />


    The limit of this REST API call is 25 articles. Since we have more than 25 articles in our blog.


    2.  Next step, i create an new array  and stores all the articles into an array


     <#assign articles=[]>


    <#list AllblogArticles.message as msg> <#if!=featuredID> <#assign articles = articles + [ msg ] /> </#if> </#list>


    If there are plenty of users accessing our blog, we will have memory issues. 


    Still looking for a better way. 

