Forum Discussion

AbhishekIlindra's avatar
10 years ago

Expertise under user Profile Name.

Hello All,


Need a clarfication on this issue .Now under my profile can able to see " Ocational Contributor" in the same way if we have expertise in the community, it will display under the user profile .


For example if the user had 2 expertise ranks it will display uner our profile?



4 Replies

  • AbhishekIlindra's avatar
    10 years ago

    Hi VarunGrazitti


    Need some more clarification on it


    We will discuss with real scenario our platform running on Lithium


    User has specalist level 2 rank(Our internal Rank)


    And user had Cisco Prime Infrastructure and MSE  as expertise. Wheather it will dispaly both expertise rank or only one.


