I just took a quick look over the Leiki stuff, I notice that the top div tag is empty. I didn't take the time to fully work out what the stuff in the script tag does, but it seems like it's mostly calling out to another server, so any problems you are having may be external. Here's my question: what is the widget intended to do? I know of some javascript additions you can put on pages that actually run in the background and don't display anything, and unless the javascript puts elements inside that top div, this one won't actually show anything. It's still possible that the widget isn't functioning correctly and possibly there's some configuration on the Lithium side needed to enable it, but I won't know until I know what is supposed to happen. I tried putting the Leiki html into a custom component myself on a test site and didn't notice any errors using web debugger, so it's hard for me to track down what problems there might be.