Forum Discussion

SuzieH's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
3 years ago

Farewell Dev Community. It's been a wonderful journey!

Tomorrow (March 31) will be my last day at Khoros as Principal Content Designer and Developer Experience Program Manager. 

I'll be just shy of my 9th anniversary at the company. I'm taking some time to recharge and relax.

Before I go, I want to give a big thank you to the entire Developer Community. Hunting down answers to questions in the Dev Discussion Forum helped me learn about Khoros products at a deeper level and make lasting cross-functional team connections. Hearing about your use cases, and frankly, feeling your pain and frustration as you muddled through development issues informed how the dev docs evolved. 

When I came to Khoros (then Lithium) in 2013, Developer Documentation consisted of the Community API v1, FreeMarker guides, and a handful of knowledge base articles. I'm proud to have overseen the creation of and watch the developer documentation grow from Community API v1, FreeMarker, and a handful of knowledge base articles to include the Care, Automation Framework, Brand Messenger, Community v2, Marketing, and Flow APIs along with multiple SDKs and developer tools.

RyanPi joined the team two years ago and JavidH joined a year later. I'm leaving Dev Docs in good hands and I know that the Dev Experience will continue to mature.  

Thank you all.
Suzie Hopkins (SuzieH)

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