Forum Discussion

clemlith's avatar
11 years ago

Feedback Message widget

Hi Folks,

In studio there is a component named

Its description is quite mysterious as it says : this component is used in more advanced ways and should be implemented by a technical consultant.


Do you have example of adanced ways ?


We are currently working with feedback messages and we are facing some limitations.

Indeed we would like to skin them with css. We want them to be a bit more user friendly i.e getting them more visible and easier to understand.

Currently we rely only on css class that are present ont he div that wrap the text of the feedback message.

For example when there is the  lia-panel-feedback-banner-note we apply a fixed postion and change the background color.

Our concern is that this is very difficult to predict what kind of message will be associated with this class.

Sometime it's a confirmation message, sometimes it's more an information message.


Consequently sometimes our css style is not accurate all the times.


Ideally this would have been great to get a way to know what kind of message it is. And furthermore being able to change the html markup used would have been awesome.


Please feel free to sahr your thoughts with me :)

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