Forum Discussion

matth's avatar
12 years ago

Find TKB contributions for user via REST API


Does anyone know if it's possible to retrieve the number of KB contributions a user has made via API? 

I'd like to display this in the User's message postbit...


Under Posts, Solutions, Kudos, also show "Contributions: " 

But I can't seem to find this value in the API docs.


<#assign authorKudos = rest("users/id/${}/kudos/received/count").value />
<#assign authorSolutions = rest("users/id/${}/solutions/received/count").value />
<#assign authorPosts = rest("users/id/${}/posts/count").value />
<#assign authorDate = rest("users/id/${}/registration_time").value />


  • KaelaC's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)

    Will these users be the author of the TKB aritcle?

    • matth's avatar

      Good question...


      I'm not sure yet if I only want this to be if they were the original author, or just a contributing author (someone that edited an already existing article). 


      • KaelaC's avatar
        Lithium Alumni (Retired)
        if they were the author you could get that information from metrics

        /restapi/vc/users/id/[user id]/metrics/name/tkb_articles