Forum Discussion

allisonn's avatar
10 years ago

Flexibility in styling User Settings page

We are looking to do some redesigning of our Community and was advised to post my question here. Can any one tell me how flexibile the user settings page is to style ( For example, must we keep it in the current horizontal tabbed format or can we let's say move the tabs to stack vertically on the side?

  • MikeY's avatar
    10 years ago

    Hi allisonn,


    You can have the top tabs on the left side with CSS only using something like: 


    #lia-body .lia-content .lia-quilt-my-profile-page ul.lia-tabs-standard {
      display: table-cell;
    #lia-body .lia-content .lia-quilt-my-profile-page .lia-tabs-standard > li {
      float: none;
      height: 20px;
    .PersonalProfile {
      display: table-cell;
      padding-left: 20px;
      vertical-align: top;


    The more difficult part is if you want both tabs to be on the left side in a nested fashion.  The tabs and subtabs aren't nested in a way that naturally lend itself to show the subtabs below the tabs (like in the admin).  


    Other options include the main tabs on the far left, subtabs in the middle and content on the right is possible or putting all the subtabs on the bottom of the list, but neither of those are likely what you're looking for. 


    I hope that helps!



    Screen Shot 2015-08-12 at 5.20.10 PM.png
  • Hey

    It's very customisable! You can do what you want with it TBH, I'm also going to be planning some major changes to this area on my own community but I don't know many that go all out, seems to be a few minor changes.

    Best example I can share of a custom profile page is LEGO!! Head over to their community, create an account and have a play!!

    Hope this helps!!
  • Hmmmm. I was lead to believe it was possible but maybe it's only possible with a completely custom page.... I'm still planning what I want to do with mine and not got down to the doing... Maybe one of the other Dev guys could help confirm!
    • allisonn's avatar

      It COULD be possible, but the Lego example isn't an example of it :smileyfrustrated:

      • JeffSp's avatar
        Lithium Alumni (Retired)

        There is some styling you can do with skinning. Here's an example of what it looks like out of the box with the Lithium Mondrian skin:


        Screen Shot 2015-08-12 at 2.56.07 PM.png


          -- Jeff

  • I get that just thought they had done that unless I was thinking of another community.

    If I can find an example of what I'm sure I've seen I'll let you know.