Forum Discussion

skylinegtr's avatar
10 years ago

Forum Thread Layout



I was checking out this site: and I really like the thread layout shown below.  I would like to do something like this. Any tips on how I can create something like this? I assumed creating a custom component and API (if you have an API code that you can share, it would be awesome).



Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Hi skylinegtr,


    Try this

    <#assign messageList = rest("/categories/id/mahesh_revanwar/search/messages?q=is_root:true&sort_by=-views&restapi.response_style=view").messages.message />
    <#list messageList as msg >
    	<a href="${msg.@view_href}">${msg.subject}</a>
    	<#assign avatar = rest("${}/profiles/avatar").image.url>
    	Avatar: <img src="${avatar}">
    	Author : ${}
    	Date : ${msg.post_time.@view_date} | ${msg.post_time.@view_time}
    	Views : ${msg.views.count}


    Mahesh Revanwar


    If my post is helpful and answers your question, please give "Kudos" and "Accept it as a Solution."

  • Hi skylinegtr,


    You need to change variable name which is correct, as if you consider example provided by mahesh_revanwer the looping is done with "msg" variable used. Considering this variable you can write a code as follows:-

    <#assign replyCount = rest("${msg.thread.@href}/replies/count").value>

    As the "topic" variable is not present in your code error got generated.



    Vishwajit Shinde


    If my post is helpful and answers your question, please give "Kudos" and "Accept it as a Solution."

13 Replies

  • skylinegtr's avatar
    10 years ago

    vishwajit_shind-Thank you for helping me with this. I've tried the rest api that you provided. It's giving me an error, I've tried to modify/make changes to the code as well but still get an error. 



    FreeMarker template error

    The following has evaluated to null or missing:
    ==> topic  [in template "preview" at line 2, column 466]
    Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally null/missing, either specify a default value with myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthessis: (!myDefault, (


  • vishwajit_shind's avatar
    10 years ago

    Hi skylinegtr,


    You need to change variable name which is correct, as if you consider example provided by mahesh_revanwer the looping is done with "msg" variable used. Considering this variable you can write a code as follows:-

    <#assign replyCount = rest("${msg.thread.@href}/replies/count").value>

    As the "topic" variable is not present in your code error got generated.



    Vishwajit Shinde


    If my post is helpful and answers your question, please give "Kudos" and "Accept it as a Solution."