freemarker error handling in rest api
I'm using the rest api (which is great, thanks!) to create a custom component, pulling recently solved messages from a large number of boards on my community. The rest call references boards by id, adds their messages to a giant list and then re-orders by date, serving up the 6 most recent. In testing I noticed that a typo in the board dispid would generate a freemarker template error that breaks the page:
code="101" ; message="No board with the specified dispid."
Everything is great and there are no errors now but I want to incorporate error handling in case somebody changes or deletes one of the (many) boards that i'm referencing in the rest call. I've tried the classic "<#if message?? && message?has_content >" test but that's too late in the process to prevent the freemarker template error. What can I do to test if the board id exists in the community before i use the rest api call?
Hi id-chalmers
have you tried with the attempt / recover freemarker directive?
<#attempt> <#assign board = rest("boards/id/iDoNotExist").board /> <#recover> Something went wrong </#attempt>
Hope it helps