Freemarker for Category's Language Default?
I am writing an if/else statement for when to display Japanese test or images on our community. In psudocode:
"IF the user's personal language setting is set to Japanese OR the page's default language is Japanese {
do this HTML
do that HTML
Right now I am using:
<#assign lang = rest("/users/id/${}/profiles/name/language").value />
<#if lang == "ja" || http.request.url?contains("/t5/%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E%E3%83%95%E3%82%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A9%E3%83%A0/ct-p/japanese-forum")>
This seems rather clunky to me and has several problems. Notably, that the URL I'm checking is only the top-level Japan category page and does NOT apply to all the Japan category's boards and posts (which it should).
I was sent this nice bit of code for grabbing a user's personal language setting:
<#if"profile.language") = "ja">
but now I need to figure out how to get a page's default language (so ALL posts and boards in the Japan category display my specified HTML code). I've got this REST call:
but is there something out there more elegant? More similar to the get() function above?
Thank you!
Just make sure that in both code examples the condition of the if-statement is compared correctly.
There should be two equation signs when comparing a variable with a string:
<#if ("profile.language") == "ja") || ("profile.language") == "ja") >
Maybe that's why it didn't work in your initial testing when comparing agains