12 years agoChampion
freemarker for user's first name / last name
Is there no way to get first name and last name via freemarker?
It wouldn't seem so, according to this:
I may put in an idea. Just checking to see if this is available in some way I'm unaware of first. Thanks.
Even without direct access through the freemarker custom context user object, there's a vast amount of information that can be unlocked via the REST API using the rest or restadmin context objects. Details here:
Here's a crude example of getting the user's first and last name, and displaying the result:
<#assign nameFirst = rest("/users/id/${}/settings/name/profile.name_first").value /> <#assign nameLast = rest("/users/id/${}/settings/name/profile.name_last").value /> Welcome ${nameFirst!""} ${nameLast!""}
I hope this helps!