Forum Discussion

jmurray's avatar
12 years ago

freemarker for user's first name / last name

Is there no way to get first name and last name via freemarker?


It wouldn't seem so, according to this:


I may put in an idea.  Just checking to see if this is available in some way I'm unaware of first.  Thanks.

  • Even without direct access through the freemarker custom context user object, there's a vast amount of information that can be unlocked via the REST API using the rest or restadmin context objects. Details here:


    Here's a crude example of getting the user's first and last name, and displaying the result: 

    <#assign nameFirst = rest("/users/id/${}/settings/name/profile.name_first").value />
    <#assign nameLast = rest("/users/id/${}/settings/name/profile.name_last").value />
    Welcome ${nameFirst!""} ${nameLast!""}

     I hope this helps!

  • VenkS's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)

    I don't believe this functionality is available through the freemarker "user" object.