Forum Discussion

keshavkelkar's avatar
8 years ago

FreeMarker template error

what is to be done if I gets this error saying 

The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> env.context.message 

that i am missing  


 Please let me know what can be done to fix this ?

    • keshavkelkar's avatar

      PerBonomi   Can you please tell me the REST call to or alternative way to get ${}  ?


      I am getting freemarker error when I try to access ${}, so I need some alternative way such as REST call or any other so that I could get the same value  as I am getting by ${} .


      • ClaudiusH's avatar
        Khoros Alumni (Retired)

        Which page did you add your custom component to? e.g. a tag page probably wouldn't have the env.context.message object. Also keep in mind that the preview in studio will only have some of the context objects populated with the community studio context. So if you see that freemarker error there... that doesn't necessarily mean your component won't work on the actual page.