Forum Discussion

Inactive User's avatar
Inactive User
13 years ago


Scenario: I'm getting blog post information and displaying it in a custom component bu using a #list and rest call. I'd like to be able to limit how many blog posts show up using page_size (which I can do) but I also want to have pagination links above the content so that a user could dynamically view the second page of posts without having to reload the whole page. Is that possible? If so, could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

  • Oh, so are you still showing a list of topics like usual, except that it's formatted/styled differently? If you have the same number of items, you should adjust either the setting in the admin or the page size in your component so that they're in alignment. The issue comes if the number of pages is different between what the component says there should be and what the forum page is expecting.

12 Replies

  • niten's avatar
    12 years ago

    Of course !

    now that you are telling me that It's true that there is a parameter like this in the administration.


    Well, I will try this and let you know the result, but for now,studio  publish crashed so I can't test -_-.


    Thanks a lot.



  • niten's avatar
    12 years ago

    Just an update to thank you again Adam.

    You were right, the defualt pagination item's number were different from my custom one.


    Problem solve.