Forum Discussion

DocuMarc's avatar
11 years ago

Front Page Slider

Hello Everyone, 



I am the CM and  fairly new to development but I am really starting to enjoy playing around in studio. 


Does anyone have any experience putting in a sliding banner on the front page- similar to

What is the high level process and features I would use in studio. 

Slowly getting through all the documentation. 


Thanks for the help. 



6 Replies

  • SeanA's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    11 years ago

    Awesome! The high level process would be to:


    1. include the javascript and associated components (usually css) that provide the "carousel" widget into the lithium pages. you can do this in the hitbox area and reference those resources externally or you can upload the js and css as assets
    2. create a custom component that "instantiates" the carousel widget along with the list of images you want it to show. this is where some magic can happen as you can use freemarker to implement logic to dynamically generate that list of images.
    3. place the component on your page[s]
    4. sit back and enjoy your awesomeness ;)
  • DocuMarc's avatar
    11 years ago
    Thanks for the pointers. Time to dive in.
    Any helpful documentation you would recommend?
  • SeanA's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    11 years ago

    nothing specific for this but, i've done it a number of times. i'll try to carve some time to reply with an example later today. stay tuned.


    where are the images you would like to display in the carousel?

  • SuzieH's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    11 years ago

    I'm sure SeanA will be able to provide some nice examples for you. In the meantime, this article points to several overview knowledge base articles and tutorials about custom components.

  • DocuMarc's avatar
    11 years ago
    Thanks Susan, I am sure these will help me make sense of Seans comment.

    The images are in box right now but we have drupal and rackspace.
  • DocuMarc's avatar
    11 years ago

    Hi SeanA 


    I am finally comfortalble with the basic dev language and was wondering if you can still carve out time for an example....

    Any help is mucho appreciated. 



