Forum Discussion

Richard_Wendon's avatar
11 years ago

Full browser width elements

Ok... so far so good  with regard to my first reskin job in Lithium - apart from the sluggish interface and slow saving speeds.


Got a question regarding creating 'sections' on pages. By section I mean something like the footer on our site - - the footer is wrapped in a container that visual distinguishes itself from the rest of the page.


How is this effect achieved in Lithium? is it possible?


Thanks in advance.


  • PaoloT's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Richard,


    did you have a look at our knowledge base? In particular, I think you may want to have a look at our Layouts guide for Studio and the Quilts guide. This will hopefully give you some insights on how you can leverage these two concepts to achieve the desired layout in your page.


    Hope this helps!

    • Hi Paolo,

      Working my way through it all now. Reading and consuming the info takes time as I am sure you can appreciate.

      Its nice to be pointed in the right direction by an experienced hand :) - hence the post