Forum Discussion

cjdinger's avatar
8 years ago

Fully qualified view_href not coming through in HTTPS endpoint

I'm creating an Endpoint that simulates an RSS feed for featured topics in certain board/categories.  Using the v2 API, I'm using the message.view_href property to populate the <link> field.  That works perfect when the endpoint is called using HTTP.  But when using HTTPS, the view_href field is missing the site address, and returning just the relative URL.


For now, I've kluged it so that I append the base site URL when using https.  But...why?  What am I missing?


Here's my code.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<#-- Endpoint to serve the most recent featured topics -->
<#-- Specify either category= OR board= on URL         -->
<#assign category ="category", "sas_programming")/>
<#assign board ="board", "")/>
<#assign size="size", "5")/>
<#assign root=""/>
 <#if (http.request.ssl == true)>
    <#assign root=""/>
<#if (board)?has_content>
<#assign messages = rest("2.0", "/search?q=" + 
   "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE depth=0 AND = '${board}' 
     and conversation.featured=true ORDER BY post_time DESC LIMIT ${size}"?url 
  <#assign messages = rest("2.0", "/search?q=" + 
     "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE depth=0 AND = '${category}' 
      and conversation.featured=true ORDER BY post_time DESC LIMIT ${size}"?url 
<rss xmlns:content="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:taxo="" version="2.0">
 <title>Featured content from SAS Support Communities</title>
 <description>These featured topics are the most recent from SAS Support Communities</description>
  <#list as message> 
    <pubDate>${message.post_time?datetime?string["EEE, MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss +0000"]}</pubDate>

Example endpoint call:


Thanks for any tips,


  • This looks like a bug, but we still need to investigate this further. It looks like you have a good workaround in place. Please file a support case if you would like to get status updates on when this gets fixed.



  • DougS's avatar
    Khoros Oracle

    This looks like a bug, but we still need to investigate this further. It looks like you have a good workaround in place. Please file a support case if you would like to get status updates on when this gets fixed.



      • DougS's avatar
        Khoros Oracle

        After looking at this issue more closely, it looks like we have always made the view_href return a relative URL when a REST V2 call is made via Freemarker (whether it is made via a component or via an endpoint). The reason we designed it that way was because some communities have multiple hostnames (not a common configuration, but we have a few) and we wanted customers to choose a hostname to put in front of the view_href URLs. I tested this out and it the view_href URLs are relative whether an endpoint is called over HTTP or over  HTTPS, so (at least now) there is not a discrepancy between HTTP and HTTPS.

