Forum Discussion

zachm's avatar
13 years ago

Gamification progress bar

Hey everyone,

I'm looking for people that might have created a custom component in their community that has tied in with a CRM tool such as Salesforce or something else.  What I am looking for is to make a status bar for things such as number of posts, solutions provided, ideas submitted and so on. Once the community members have reached a certain goal they would get a badge or an achievement. I have had a few ideas that I'll list below and an image that helps explain my idea. I just want to see if anyone has done this in their communities and how they did it, what they used, other details. If it isn't even an option then that is good to know too :mantongue:

5 Solutions Provided: Smarty Pants

15 Solutions Provided: Einstien


10 Kudos: Cool kid

25 Kudos: Charismatic


7 posts: Chatter box

20 posts: Socialite


1 idea: thoughtful

4 ideas: innovator


The image below is borrowed from fitocracy. It's a great workout website but has awesome gamification system.

These are all rough ideas but I think that it's a good start. Ideas, words of encouragement, skeptical critisism are all encouraged.