10 months agoAdept
Get All Labels using API v1 call.
How can I get all the labels in the community using the Community API v1 call?
Hi Jk07 ,
You can get all the community labels using below APIv1 call:https://[Community Domain]/restapi/vc/labels?page=1&page_size=1000
where you can change the page_size limit parameter or change the page parameter to get other labels available on other pages.
For example, if you want to get all labels of a community having a total label count of 3800 labels then you need to hit below 4 API calls.
https://[Community Domain]/restapi/vc/labels?page=1&page_size=1000
https://[Community Domain]/restapi/vc/labels?page=2&page_size=1000
https://[Community Domain]/restapi/vc/labels?page=3&page_size=1000
https://[Community Domain]/restapi/vc/labels?page=4&page_size=1000
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