Forum Discussion

phani's avatar
10 years ago

Get hash value from url in freemarker

Hi, How do I get the value after hash (#) from a URL using FreeMarker.

E.X.: Page URL =

How can i get the value of "token"?


Is there any FreeMarker context object available like if not could anyone suggest workaround for this in FreeMarker ?


Your help could be highly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,


  • PaoloT's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)

    Hi phani


    I believe that the URL fragment is not sent to the server so I am afraid that would not be possible. You can access it via javascript inside a custom component if that helps.



    • phani's avatar

      Hi PaoloT,


      Thanks for your quick response.


      We are able to get the value by using http.client.response FreeMarker context object, if the parameter passed with '&' 

      E.X.: /plugins/custom/community_name/community_name/your_endpoint?data=test&token=1234

      Code Snippet: <#assign token ="token","")/>


      In our requirement we are calling the endpoint with hash value. For us Javascript is not preferable option.

      E.X.: /plugins/custom/community_name/community_name/your_endpoint#token=1234


      Could you please provide more description on your statement "URL fragment is not sent to the server", it might helpful for us to try some workaround?





      • phani - As the freemarker executes on the server and not on the client side, so you cannot get the # fragments because they never reach server. They stay on the client side, so you could only read it using a client side language. JS or jQuery.

        I hope this helps.