Get language setting of current node?
Good morning!
How would I get the language setting of the current node?
Here is a screenshot of the language setting in the Node's settings in the Admin area: How do I access this language setting via the rest api?
To return the settings object for the node, so I can figure out what it consists of, I have this:
<#assign nodeSettings = rest("/categories/id/${}/settings") />
<#assign nodeSettingsHTML>
<#list nodeSettings.settings.setting as setting>
But it gives me this error:
Freemarker template 'Hitbox' processing failed
NonStringException:For "${...}" content: Expected a string or something automatically convertible to string (number, date or boolean), but this evaluated to a sequence+hash (wrapper: f.e.dom.NodeListModel): ==> [in template "Hitbox" at line 62, column 56] The failing instruction (print stack trace for 1 more): ==> ${} [in template "Hitbox" at line 62, column 54]
KaelaCIt was fun seeing you on BART this morning! Any tips? As you might have guessed by this post, we're seeing which items on the Statement of Work we can do in-house, since the price estimate given to us was higher than we had anticipated.