Forum Discussion

darrenSP's avatar
8 years ago

Get last accepted solution

Is there a way (preferably using V2 API) to get the last accepted solution within the community?   I can get all accepted solutions using:   SELECT solution_data,is_solution FROM messages WHERE i...
  • VikasB's avatar
    8 years ago

    darrenSP  You can get the solution accepted time as nested in solution_data but you can not use nested parameter in order by.  
    Here you can use a workaround.   Use below approach

    <#assign accepted_solution = rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "SELECT solution_data,is_solution FROM messages WHERE is_solution = true"?url).data.items[0] />

    <#assign time = accepted_solution.solution_data.time?long />
    <#assign latest_soution_id = accepted_solution.solution_data.message_id />

    <#assign solutions_count = rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "SELECT count(*) FROM messages WHERE is_solution = true"?url).data.count />
    <#assign solutions = rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "SELECT solution_data,is_solution FROM messages WHERE is_solution = true limit ${solutions_count}"?url).data.items />

    <#list solutions as solution>
    <#if solution.solution_data.time?long &gt; time >
    <#assign time = solution.solution_data.time?long />
    <#assign latest_soution_id = solution.solution_data.message_id />

     Hope it would work for you.