Forum Discussion

neel_psl's avatar
8 years ago

Getting an error while generating the session key through URL??


I am getting an error while generating the session key through URL, 

i am using below url to generate the session key

and i am getting error as

<response status="error">
  <error code="504">
        Method 'get' is not supported off of node 'authentication_manager.sessions.login'.
so what should i do??
    • abmpu's avatar

      I'm facing the same issue. If I try a POST instead, I'm getting this :


      <response status="error">
      <error code="302">
      User authentication failed.

      Any idea why?

  • Hi abmpu


    Here's an example curl request for session key generation:

    curl -XPOST '<login>&user.password=<password>'

    response is in this format  

    <response status="success">
    <value type="string">NO-1sPyPINXCQUDnQLjxcHnYVgyxF-qE5xIHlyUQzDU.</value>


    when you are facing below error message may be you are giving wrong credential

    please check your username and password once

    <response status="error">
    <error code="302">
    <message>User authentication failed.</message>


    please refer this link for reference  


     Give kudos if you find my posts helpful or mark solution if it answers your query.

    • abmpu's avatar

      Thanks ashok285

      The issue here was that the user was not a native lithium user.

      • abmpu Can you clarify what you mean by "native lithium user"? I'm experiencing the exact symptoms as you described above (the GET error and the POST error). This is a user account that's been working for a long time and suddenly stopped working.