Forum Discussion

vishwajeet_hol's avatar
10 years ago

Getting different tag count.



I am getting different count for tag_count_1 and tag_count_2 ?


Input :


<#assign tagsArr = rest("/tagging/tags/top?page_size=5").tags />
<#list tagsArr.tag as tagList>
	<#assign tag_count_1 =>
	<#assign tag_name = "${tagList.text}" />
	<#assign tag_count_2 =rest( "/search/messages/count?f=tags&q=${tag_name?url}&collapse_discussion=false").value />





1169   1171
786   786
679   680
563   668
468   469

Why tag count is different ?

Please let me know the reason behind this. 





1 Reply

  • vishwajeet_hol - If you'd try to compare the results from different API's for one common parameter, you'll always end up getting different results. Moreover, even we have noticed that the search API differs when compared to the respective APIs. We got this issue when we were retrieving the information regarding the users registered, we got different numbers in both.


    I hope this helps.