Forum Discussion

samkirsch's avatar
8 years ago

Getting private messages for a third-party



I'm trying to hook up to a site built on Lithium as a third-party, and we'd like to display private messages for users. As per the docs, I'm hitting 

<base endpoint>/2.0/<tenant id>/search?q=SELECT+*'<test user id>'

I've got client-id and Content-Type headers, but the response I get is: 

"status": "success",
"message": "",
"http_code": 200,
"data": {
"type": "inbox_notes",
"list_item_type": "inbox_note",
"size": 0,
"items": []
"metadata": {}

The client ID I'm using allows me to get user data from the endpoint

<base endpoint>/2.0/<tenant id>/users/<test user id>

 I'm hitting the inbox_notes of my user profile, which I have sent other messages to from other user accounts. What am I missing?

Thanks a bunch!


2 Replies

  • samkirsch's avatar
    8 years ago

    This is possibly the root of my problems and ignorance, what is the studio API browser? Is that a dev environment/toolbox? Is that something I need to request access for from the service we're trying to integrate with?