12 years agoMentor
Help, Ive lost my components!
I have created a custom blog page but in doing so i have deleted all of the existing compnents on the Blog page. When i went to add the component, which allows a user to comment on a blog post (the ...
- 12 years ago
Here's a snippet of the XML for the main-content section of the BlogArticlePage:
<add to="main-content"> <component id="menu-bar" /> <component id="article" /> <component id="article-navigator" /> <component id="comments" /> <component id="comment-article-navigator" /> <component id="comments-awaiting-moderation" /> <component id="comment-editor" /> </add>
You should be able to go into the XML editor for that page in Studio and swap that section back in, or pick and choose the components you want to add back.