Forum Discussion

mstagi's avatar
14 years ago

Help trying to add a component to the page canvas in Studio

Trying to do something that seems easy but not working.  We have a componet that currently is on a few pages and I am trying to add it to our main page to replace something else.  Going into studio and into the page I removed the componet I don't want which worked fine.  then grabbing the same componet that is in use on another page I added that into the place I would like it. 


When viewing our stage enviornment the one I removed is gone but the one I am trying to add is not there?


Any ideas?




1 Reply

  • RickyS's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    14 years ago

    Hi Mark,


    What is the new component you're trying to add? Sometimes components that run off community generated content like leaderboards or recent posts modules will not show at all until there's actual content to populate in the module.


    For example if it's a Top Kudo'd Authors module but nobody has a Kudo in the community yet, this module won't show until someone has a Kudo that can be displayed in the module. Ditto for Accepted Solutions, etc.

