Forum Discussion

AbhishekIlindra's avatar
8 years ago

Hidden Board Search Functionality

Hello Everyone,


We hidden boards in the community and even after that end users can able to view the board in the community via Community Search. Is there any settings where we can hide from the Community Search.



3 Replies

  • ClaudiusH's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    8 years ago

    Hi AbhishekIlindra

    How did you hide the board? If you only select the option 'Hide from lists and menus' when creating the board then that's not enough unfortunately. This setting just hides the board from being listed in lists and menus, but doesn't hide its messages. 

    To restrict access to that board you need to work with role permissions. You need to remove the "See Forums" permissions (and depending on your structure possibly the "Read posts" permission as well) from everyone and then grant it only to the role that should see this board.


    Here's some further information on how to do that: /t5/TKB-Archive-Knowledge-Base/How-to-make-an-existing-board-private/ta-p/34430

    Make a private category or board

    Create a private forum


  • ClaudiusH's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    8 years ago
    Oups. Sorry. I had linked some archived articles. I have edited my reply with updated, correct links.