Forum Discussion

jonathancrow's avatar
12 years ago

Hiding line on blog article

Tech support has refused to help me on this, so I am hoping someone out there can.   I am trying to create a blog article page that has no formatting around it - just a blank page so that we can po...
  • DougS's avatar
    12 years ago

    Hi Jonathan,


    Sorry you had a bad experience with Support. If you are talking about the line that appears just above the "powered by Lithium" logo, you should be able to add some CSS like the following to your site's skin to remove it on blog pages (it's a top-board that needs to get removed):


    #lia-body.lia-blog .lia-content .lia-quilt-row-footer .lia-quilt-footer,
    #lia-body.lia-blog .lia-content .lia-quilt-row-footer .lia-quilt-footer { border:none; }


    If it's not that, then perhaps you mean the board/background around each message that is rendering on the blog article page.  Where this background or border CSS is can vary, depending on what skin you've based your skin off of (or if you've made a completely custom skin).  Our default "whiteui" skin puts this inside of the lia-panel-message class (in selctors that contain the lia-decoration-border-top, lia-decoration-border-content, and lia-decoration-border-bottom classes).


    Some customers have put their background or border css inside selects that include lia-panel-message class.


    Let me know if this resolves your issue, or if it's a different line you are trying to remove (or if it doesn't remove it everywhere you want it to) and we can keep working on the issue. If you can send me a private message with a screen shot of the page in either firefox, with the firebug console open on the HTML tab, or chrome with the Elements tab of the developer tools open and an arrow pointing to the line you are trying to remove, I may be able to zero-in on the element for you.



