Forum Discussion

deend's avatar
9 years ago

How can i change the position of a element?




Please have a look at the screen shot, i am facing a issue like the community search bar rite now its position absolute so that it shows proper on the black strip but if i checked it on the other resolution screen so the position of this element is changes. i want to add the search bar in the navigation strip in <li>. Is there is any way to do this or via css i can fix the position of this particular element.

  • Hi deend,


    In your custom CSS skin (Studio>Community Style>CSS) add the following CSS code


    #lia-body .lia-content .SearchForm .lia-button-wrapper-searchForm-action{
    position: relative;
    margin-left: 10px;


    Adust the button position by playing margin* related CSS.


    If you dont have a customskin CSS, create one and activate it from Admin panel (Admin>Display>Skin).


    Hope this helps!


