How can I emulate standard component behavior with my custom component?
I have a custom component created that will display 5 messages on the Community Page, but I need to be able to allow the user to open this component up and display ALL the messages on a separate page. Similar in behavior to how the Latest Posts or Unanswered Topics components have the Greater Than > symbol on the right hand side of the header bar, which is a link to opening that up to its own page. Actually the whole header is a link.
I have rooted around the forums and KB and haven't found anything like what I am hoping to accomplish. Has anyone out there done anything like this? It would be nice if there was a sample code repository to peruse for examples.
Here are the basics of my custom component.
<#assign num = 5 /> <#assign myVAR = true /> <#assign myVAR_messages = "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE myVAR = true AND depth = 0 ORDER by post_time ASC LIMIT "+num /> <#assign myVAR_messages_ALL = "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE myVAR = true AND depth = 0 ORDER by post_time ASC" /> <div class="custom-myVAR-message"> <@component id="forums.widget.message-list-panel" title="Show MyVAR Messages" messages="rest_2.0:/search?q="+myVAR_messages?url style="wide" numMessages="conv:"+num?number /> <@component id="forums.widget.message-list-panel" title="Show ALL MyVAR Messages" messages="rest_2.0:/search?q="+myVAR_messages_ALL?url style="wide" /> </div>
The second @component definition is what I believe I'll need for the display all page; I know it doesn't belong there in the div, it's a placeholder for now.
Please point me to any examples of this or other resources I might have overlooked.