Forum Discussion

ColmQCusack's avatar
12 years ago

How do I change the specific icon colours in a skin?

Hi all,


I'm struggling to figure this one out.


For example I want to change the grey question bubble to organge on a custom skin but I can't seem to firugre it out.


Any help would be much appreciated!! :smileyhappy:



  • The CSS documentation here demonstrates how to pinpoint specific elements as well as providing examples of UI styling and customisations.


    However, the best way to do this is to replace the skin icons with your own amended/custom images.  You can download specific icons by hovering above them and right clicking to save them locally.  Then amend them in an image edtior and upload them back to your community following the guidelines given above.


    I hope this helps.  Please let us know if you have any further questions.



  • NoamanA's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)

    The CSS documentation here demonstrates how to pinpoint specific elements as well as providing examples of UI styling and customisations.


    However, the best way to do this is to replace the skin icons with your own amended/custom images.  You can download specific icons by hovering above them and right clicking to save them locally.  Then amend them in an image edtior and upload them back to your community following the guidelines given above.


    I hope this helps.  Please let us know if you have any further questions.

