11 years agoBoss
How do I get the most recent comments?
Using the example code at the bottom of my post (got it from the Lithosphere TKB) I can get the most recently kudoed messages, but I'm looking to list the most recent comments in our Idea Exchange.
I've tried all the combinations I can think of in the api call and I can't seem to get any data returned, apart from the example code.
I've changed
<#assign kudoedMessages = restadmin('/kudos/messages/leaderboard?max_age=one_week').messages />
to all of these, with no luck:
<#assign kudoedMessages = restadmin('boards/id/ideaexchange/replies/').messages /> <#assign kudoedMessages = restadmin('boards/id/ideaexchange/replies/') /> <#assign kudoedMessages = restadmin('boards/id/ideaexchange').messages /> <#assign kudoedMessages = restadmin('boards/id/ideaexchange/').replies />
<!-- Create a macro that generates the list of recently kudoed messages in the community. We are using the same REST calls and display logic used in the first application cache example --> <#macro kudoedListDisplayM> <#assign kudoedMessages = restadmin('/kudos/messages/leaderboard?max_age=one_week').messages /> <#assign kudoedList = [ ] /> <#list kudoedMessages.message as m> <#assign authorUri = '/users/login/' + /> <#assign messageAuthor = restadmin(authorUri).user /> <#assign authorAvatar = restadmin(authorUri + '/profiles/avatar').image /> <#assign curr = { "message":m, "author":messageAuthor, "avatar":authorAvatar } /> <#assign kudoedList = kudoedList + [ curr ] /> </#list> <p>Top kudoed messages:</p> <p><ul> <#list kudoedList as k> <li> <p>${k.message.subject} </br> <img src="${k.avatar.url}" /> By: ${} </p> </li> </#list> </ul> </#macro> <#assign kudoedListDisplay= appcache.get("kudoedListDisplay", "") /> <#if kudoedListDisplay != ""> <!-- kudoedListDisplay was NOT null, using cached value --> <#else> <!-- kudoedListDisplay was null, populating list now using the macro created above--> <#assign kudoedListDisplay><@kudoedListDisplayM /></#assign> <#assign kudoedListDisplay = appcache.put("kudoedListDisplay", kudoedListDisplay) /> </#if> <!-- Display the list --> ${kudoedListDisplay}
What am I doing wrong?
Hi PerBonomi
you need to access it using the standard freemarker syntax for accessing XML attributes
The below example will print the view_href attribute that is contained within the message object returned by the messages/id/XX call
<#assign msg = rest("messages/id/12345?restapi.response_style=view").message> ${msg.@view_href}
You can find the documentation here