Forum Discussion

Warren_Brill's avatar
11 years ago

How Do I Hide the Author Biography on a Blog Page or Blog Article Page?

I need to suppress display of the author biographies on blog pages - they tend to be short books. I have tried the following in the skin CSS:


#lia-body.BlogPage .lia-content .lia-blog-bio-blurb {




#lia-body.BlogPage .lia-content {


Neither one suppresses the text component. I can verify the moniker "blog-bio-blurb" from the source code on a development server page:


                 <li class="blog-bio-blurb">
                    Sample Biography Text - Placed here for testing purposes.    


The page shows "Sample Biography Text - Placed here for testing purposes." below my screen name.


"display:none;" is the standard CSS suppression source. Why does it not work here?

5 Replies

  • JasonL's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    11 years ago

    Hi Warren,

    Quite likely its the scoping of the css


    How about trying something like this?

    .lia-blog.BlogPage.lia-body .blog-bio-blurb {
        display: none;


  • PaoloT's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    11 years ago

    What about removing the component from the page in Studio? Or do you want to retain some of the information provided by it and hide the rest?

  • I want the component in place, because it has 1) avatar picture, 2) screen name, 3) "real" name is the reader is logged in, 4) title (job title), and a link on (2) to the author's profile page, where the biography remains in the "About me" dialogue. The problem is that the biographies tend to be long, and force the right column to become much longer than the rest of the page. Still, it was a fair question.

  • All of the CSS in our skin is written in the following syntax:


    #lia-body .lia-blog.BlogPage .lia-content {
        display: none;


    ... so I wasn't certain that a line that began without the hash mark would work.

    The line above does not seem to affect display of the blog-bio-blurb.

  • Warren_Brill's avatar
    11 years ago

    I have found the solution.

    This CSS suppresses display of the author biography, just on the Blog Page:

    #lia-body.BlogPage .lia-content .blog-bio-blurb {