Forum Discussion

pacotallen's avatar
13 years ago

How do you rename a custom page?

Once you've created a custom page in Studio, is there anyway to rename the page?

  • ChiaraS's avatar
    13 years ago

    I'm not aware of a way to rename a custom page via Studio.


    You will have to create a new page and delete the old one, but that's easy to do using the xml view:

    In Studio:

    - go to the custom page you want to rename

    - click on the "xml" tab and copy the whole text

    - click on "delete"

    - click on "new" and enter the new page name, then click "Create" (leave the default options)

    - click on the "xml" tab, delete the existing content and paste the copied one, click on save



4 Replies

  • MoniqueL's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    13 years ago

    Are you refering to the title or the url for the custom page? Or just the name as it appears in studio?


    To set the page title and page description, you just have to serach for and add the text key inside Studio > Text Editor > Community Text tab

    page.<name-of-custom-page-in-studio>.title  = The Name of my Custom Page
    - and -
    page.<name-of-custom-page-in-studio>.description = A short description of the content on my custom page.


  • pacotallen's avatar
    13 years ago

    Totally makes sense in terms of changing the page title in the browser. Thanks for that solution.


    How do you go about changing the page name as it appears in the address bar? I'm assuming this would be related to changing the name of the page as it appears in Studio. If not, I'd be interested in know how to change the page name in both locations (URL in the address bar when viewed in a browser and page name as it is reffered to in Studio).



  • ChiaraS's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    13 years ago

    I'm not aware of a way to rename a custom page via Studio.


    You will have to create a new page and delete the old one, but that's easy to do using the xml view:

    In Studio:

    - go to the custom page you want to rename

    - click on the "xml" tab and copy the whole text

    - click on "delete"

    - click on "new" and enter the new page name, then click "Create" (leave the default options)

    - click on the "xml" tab, delete the existing content and paste the copied one, click on save