Forum Discussion
VarunGrazitti Thank you, however, there are a few important questions unanswered on that page.
1. What about a default OG image if the user doesn't add any images
2. How to make each page have a different image taken from the (say, first) image included?
Inactive User - Try this custom code here, may help. Another option is to get in touch with the support to get a definitive answer.
- Inactive User6 years ago
Thanks VarunGrazitti
I've been working on a custom component myself but this is helpful too!
I'll post it when finished.
- pepitaK5 years agoAdept
Inactive User
Hello! I'm also trying to get cover photos to show up as og:images and ran into this discussion. How is the component going along?
- Inactive User5 years ago
pepitaK Here's the component. It's a bit more complex than you might need but I've created it to give different OG defaults in different places. Hope this helps.
<#-- OPEN GRAPH --> <#assign dam = ''/> <#assign hasRun = false /> <#assign titleSubject = ""/> <#function imgType imgPath > <#assign contentType = 'image/png'/> <#if imgPath?keep_after_last('.') == 'jpg' || imgPath?keep_after_last('.') == 'jpeg' > <#assign contentType = 'image/jpeg'/> </#if> <#if imgPath?keep_after_last('.') == 'svg'> <#assign contentType = 'image/svg'/> </#if> <#return contentType/> </#function> <#macro setOGProps type> <#if hasRun == true> <#return /> </#if> <#assign hasRun = true /> <!-- set OGProps type ${type} --> <#if type == 'topic'> <#assign myId = "${page.context.thread.topicMessage.uniqueId}"> <#assign titleSubject = page.context.thread.topicMessage.subject /> </#if> <#if type == 'message'> <#assign myId = "${page.context.message.uniqueId}"> <#assign titleSubject = page.context.message.subject /> </#if> <!-- MyId ${myId} --> <#assign msgQuery = "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE id='${myId}'"/> <#assign msgs = rest("2.0", "/search?q=" + msgQuery?url + "&restapi.response_style=view").data.items![] /> <#if msgs?? && msgs[0]?? && msgs[0].cover_image??> <!-- msgs cover image OK --> <#assign ogImgUrl=msgs[0].cover_image.large_href /> <#else> <#assign imgQuery = "SELECT * FROM images WHERE'${myId}'"/> <#assign images = rest("2.0", "/search?q=" + imgQuery?url + "&restapi.response_style=view").data.items![] /> <#if images??> <!-- images exist? ${images???c} --> <#if images?size gt 0> <!-- images size ${images?size} --> <#if images[0]??> <#if images[0].large_href??> <!-- image large_href --> <#assign ogImgUrl=images[0].large_href /> <#else> <!-- image original_href --> <#assign ogImgUrl=images[0].original_href /> </#if> </#if> <#else> <#assign ogImgUrl=""/> </#if> </#if> </#if> <!-- PAGE / THREAD OPEN GRAPH CONTENT --> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" /> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@JMP_software" /> <meta property = "og:title" content = "${titleSubject}"/> <meta property = "og:image" content = "${ogImgUrl}"/> <meta property = "og:image:type" content = "${imgType(ogImgUrl)}"/> <meta property = "og:url" content = "${msgs[0].view_href}"/> <meta property = "og:description" content = "${msgs[0].subject}"/> <meta property = ”og:type” content = ”website”/> <meta property = "og:image:width" content = "1200"/> <meta property = "og:image:height" content = "630"/> </#macro> <#macro setOGMisfits> <!-- CATEGORY OPEN GRAPH CONTENT --> <#assign hasRun = true /> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" /> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@JMP_software" /> <meta property = "og:title" content = "${page.content.body.title}"/> <meta property = "og:url" content = "${coreNode.webUi.url}"/> <meta property = "og:description" content = "${coreNode.description}"/> <meta property = ”og:type” content = ”website”/> <meta property = "og:image:width" content = "1200"/> <meta property = "og:image:height" content = "630"/> </#macro> <#if env.context.message??> <!-- env.context.message --> <@setOGProps type='message'></@setOGProps> </#if> <#if page.context.message??> <!-- page context message --> <@setOGProps type='message'></@setOGProps> </#if> <#if page.context.thread??> <!-- page context thread message --> <@setOGProps type='topic'></@setOGProps> </#if> <#if env.context.thread??> <!-- env context thread message --> <@setOGProps type='topic'></@setOGProps> </#if> <#if == 'CommunityPage'> <@setOGMisfits ></@setOGMisfits> <meta property = "og:image" content = ""/> <meta property="og:image:type" content="image/png" /> </#if> <!-- CORENODE ID ${} --> <#if == 'add-ins'> <!-- add-ins --> <@setOGMisfits ></@setOGMisfits> <meta property = "og:image" content = ""/> <meta property="og:image:type" content="image/png" /> </#if> <#if == 'scripts'> <!-- scripts --> <@setOGMisfits ></@setOGMisfits> <meta property = "og:image" content = ""/> <meta property="og:image:type" content="image/png" /> </#if> <#if == 'sample-data'> <!-- sample data --> <@setOGMisfits></@setOGMisfits> <meta property = "og:image" content = ""/> <meta property="og:image:type" content="image/png" /> <meta property = "og:image:width" content = "1200"/> <meta property = "og:image:height" content = "630"/> </#if> <#if hasRun == false && =="CategoryPage" || == "BlogPage" ||"ForumPage" ||"TkbPage"> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" /> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@JMP_software" /> <meta property = "og:title" content = "JMP ${page.content.body.title}"/> <meta property = "og:url" content = "${coreNode.webUi.url}"/> <meta property = ”og:type” content = ”website”/> <meta property = "og:description" content = "${coreNode.description}"/> <#assign ogImgUrl=dam+"jmp-og-${}.jpg"/> <#if == 'discussions'> <#assign ogImgUrl=dam+"jmp-og-discussions.jpg"/> <#elseif == 'FileExchange'> <#assign ogImgUrl=dam+"jmp-og-filexchange.jpg"/> <#elseif == 'jsl-cookbook-tkb'> <#assign ogImgUrl=dam+"jmp-og-cookbook.jpg"/> <#elseif == 'jmp-wish-list'> <#assign ogImgUrl=dam+"jmp-og-wishlist.jpg"/> <#elseif == 'Blogs'> <#assign ogImgUrl=dam+"jmp-og-blogs.jpg"/> <#elseif == 'discovery'> <#assign ogImgUrl=dam+"ds-social-us.jpg"/> <#elseif == 'JMP_Academic'> <#assign ogImgUrl=dam+"jmp-og-academic.jpg"/> <#elseif == 'GroupPage'> <#assign ogImgUrl=dam+"jmp-og-groups.jpg"/> <#elseif = "TkbPage"> <#assign ogImgUrl = dam+"JMP-Open-Graph-Default.jpg"/> <#else> <#assign ogImgUrl=dam+"jmp-og-${}.jpg"/> </#if> <meta property = "og:image" content = "${ogImgUrl}"/> <meta property = "og:image:type" content = "${imgType(ogImgUrl)}"/> <meta property = "og:image:width" content = "1200"/> <meta property = "og:image:height" content = "630"/> </#if>
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