Forum Discussion

srinivaskiranp's avatar
7 years ago

How is the pages are mapped or linked to a board or category

In lithium community how are the pages are linked to a board or category by a studio? 

I mean how are the existing pages and new pages for a community is linked to a board or category using the studio and also by SDK.


Srinivas kiran.p 

  • Hi,

    take category page as example, first you need to make sure the title of the page begins with "CategoryPage.".
    Example "CategoryPage.MyCustomPage". This is done when creating the page in Studio.
    then go to admin settings
    Example:Admin-->content-->Custom Pages-->Category Page
    now you can see your custom page in the drop-down. Select it and click on save.

  • you can create a custom page that inherit the default page using studio by following the name convention. after that you can assign the page to the board/category in the admin setting

    • Hi 

      Can you provide the details of how to assign a custom page to the board/category in the admin settings.


      Srinivas kiran.p