Forum Discussion

Mmalre's avatar
6 years ago

How many API Calls per function?

Hello all 

As I read through our contract I found the billable API call restriction, and that just made me wonder what Lithium considers an API call and how that is calculated. 

For example, if a case goes from the case portal through a Salesforce connector back to Salesforce, is that one API call, or several depending on the data being shipped? 
If there is a comment on above case, is that one or several? 
If there is a comment on a comment, is that one or several API calls?


See where I'm getting with this? I sure hope so because I can't explain it any better, haha!


Thanks in advance


    • Mmalre's avatar

      Hi VikasB

      Yeah I saw that post. I'm more out to understand how/if different functions contain one or several API calls. 

      If I'm to leverage the case portal for our client base, I need to ensure the contract reflect the expected API calls. But I can't really do that until I understand how they are calculated. 

      Thanks for the suggestion though! 

      • VikasB's avatar


        API call will be counted when you will try to hit on an external network. Coming to your last comment, even if you are hitting the same API 10 times, it will be counted as 10 API hits. Or you can say different functions have the same API call but it will increase the billed call whenever any of the function will run and hit that API.