Forum Discussion

deend's avatar
9 years ago

How to add slider



How can i add a slider in my community page.


  • Hi deend,


    I used to do this with simple CSS and HTML. Following is the code code snippet and attached required CSS files.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/html/assets/gallery.theme.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/html/assets/gallery.min.css">
    <div class="gallery autoplay items-3">
      <div id="item-1" class="control-operator"></div>
      <div id="item-2" class="control-operator"></div>
      <div id="item-3" class="control-operator"></div>
      <figure class="item">
    	<img src="">
    	<a href="#item-2">Next</a>
      <figure class="item">
        <a href="#item-1">Previous</a>
    	<img src="">
    	<a href="#item-3">Next</a>
      <figure class="item">
    	<a href="#item-2">Previous</a>
        <img src="">
      <div class="controls">
        <a href="#item-1" class="control-button">•</a>
        <a href="#item-2" class="control-button">•</a>
        <a href="#item-3" class="control-button">•</a>


    Add above code in a component and place it in header.

    For More Information:



    Hope this helps!




  • deend - This needs to be developed, you have to create a custom component for this and do some coding. There are tons of jQuery plugins/ demos available on the web. Here is one such example.


    You can use freemarker to get the boards/ categories dynamically and then use these to list in the slider which will be built in jQuery.