Forum Discussion

jaikumar1's avatar
8 years ago

How to alter Mobile header component


I am looking into alter the "Mobile Header" component of my mobile v1 community version.


In the component, i need to add "Register" link, and also i need to add the Private Message link even if there is no new message received, and the component used in Mobile layout. So please guide me on this.

  • jaikumar1-  There is no OOTB component for only register link, However, You can use  <component id="common.widget.user-navigation"/> and hide the extra links using CSS.

    For private message you can use below component.
        <component id="notes.widget.summary"/>

    It will appear, even if you don't have new message.


8 Replies

  • jaikumar1- There is separate quilt for Mobile Header which is editable. You can add custom register link and you also can use OOTB component for register link.  For private message you can use notes.widget.summary OOTB component.


    Here is a path of the Mobile Header Quilt https://yourcommunitystagingurl/t5/bizapps/bizappspage/tab/community%3Astudio%3Apage-editor?page=MobileHeader

  • jaikumar1's avatar
    8 years ago

    Hi TariqHussain,


    Thank you for your response, and it's very useful to me. As i get into the Mobile Header quilt page, and I have few doubts,


    <add to="user-nav">
      <component id="users.action.login"/>
      <component id=""/>
      <component id=""/>


    From the section, user.action.login may provide the Sign-In link in mobile view, and here i want to add Register link. So is there any specific id we can use to display the Register link?


    Also for the private message, the link getting display when we have new message, and Private Message link not getting display when we don't have new message. The may doing the action. So how can we achieve in both the scenario?   


  • TariqHussain's avatar
    8 years ago

    jaikumar1-  There is no OOTB component for only register link, However, You can use  <component id="common.widget.user-navigation"/> and hide the extra links using CSS.

    For private message you can use below component.
        <component id="notes.widget.summary"/>

    It will appear, even if you don't have new message.


  • jaikumar1's avatar
    8 years ago

    Hi TariqHussain,


    Thank you so much for your wonderful explanation. We just got what we have expected. 


    Could you please suggest me, where we can get like this kind of existing component code?


  • TariqHussain's avatar
    8 years ago

    jaikumar1 - Did you mean, code like <component id="componet-name"> ? 


    Studio -> Page -> Components. You can see the list of components for the different type of pages. Screenshot Below. 



    Just add any component to the page and switch to XML view.  


    <quilt layout="one-column.multi-engagement-rows" nestable="false" disableTopCssClass="false">
      <add to="common-footer">
        <component id="quilt:Footer"/>
      <add to="main-content">
        <component id="community.widget.featured-content"/>
        <component id="quilt:Vitality"/>
        <component id="forums.widget.board-browser-list"/>
        <component id="profileplus.widget.personalized-feed"/>
      <add to="engagement-content">
        <component id="forums.widget.recent-messages" mode="slim"/>
        <component id="kudos.widget.authors-leaderboard"/>
        <component id="forums.widget.recent-threads" mode="slim"/>
        <component id="community.widget.quick-links"/>
        <component id="community.widget.admin-links"/>
      <add to="common-header">
        <component id="quilt:CommunityHero"/>
  • kosmonaft's avatar
    8 years ago

    I have similar problem.

    In the main navigation from Lithium (which is wrapped in class="lia-quilt-row lia-quilt-row-main-header")

    I do have "Sign in", how can I add "Sign up" to it?


  • TariqHussain's avatar
    8 years ago

    kosmonaft- Could you please confirm which component is being used for sign in link on your community header? If not <component id="common.widget.user-navigation"/>, You can replace the component. This component has both sign in and sign up links.