Forum Discussion

premkumar's avatar
13 years ago

How to change Component Header (Title) for a Specific page


How to change Component Header (Title) for a Specific page?



Add @page:CommunityPage to the text key in Studio -> Text Editor

Example: Change the "Recent Posts" Component title to "Recent Blog Articles" only in the CommunityPage where as other page should continue to have the title as "Recent Posts". Add the below line in Text Editor.


module.recent-messages.title.all@page:CommunityPage = Recent Blog Articles

  • Hi


    I've tried the solution and it works perfectly.


    But when I try it for a custom page, it fails.


    e.g. module.recent-messages.title.all@page:CategoryPage.custom = customTitle


    with CategoryPage.custom set in Admin>Content>Custom Pages at the category node.


    Any idea?