Forum Discussion

duannguyen's avatar
13 years ago

How to consume multiple XML from multiple Rest API calls and transform data with XSLT

Hi, I need to pull in data from the Lithium blog to display on a webpage the following info:

1 - Blog posts (teaser headline, date, user, etc)

2 - PermaLink

3 - User's Avatar


In order to get all 3 above, I have to make multiple REst API calls.  This yields 3 or more XML results. What is the best way to display all 3 of the above in a single XSLT sheet with 3 different XML?  Should I merge into 1 XML file and parse it in the XSLT file or is there a better way of doing this?  I'm currently using C# as the language for the project.


Thank you

  • Not sure if you have the feature enabled in your community, but we use endpoints for this.  Within the endpoint, we make all of the REST calls then produce a consolidated XML output with only the data we care about.  For example, here is the code we use in a search-before-post endpoint to give us a consolidated list of matches along with their kudos and a custom metadata count of cases linked.


    <#assign subject ="subject", "") />
    <#assign size ="size", "") />
    <#assign messages = restadmin("/search/messages?one_or_more=" + subject?replace(" ", "+") + "&page_size=" + size + "&restapi.response_style=view").messages />
    <response status="success">
    <#list messages.message as message>
      <message type="message" href="${message.@href}" view_href="${message.@view_href}">
      <subject type="string">${message.subject}</subject>
      <count type="int">${message.kudos.count}</count>
      <#assign cases_linked = 0 />
      <#assign tags = restadmin("/messages/id/" + + "/tagging/tags/all").tags />
      <#list tags.tag as tag>
        <#if tag.text?starts_with("tz:km:")>
          <#assign cases_linked = cases_linked + 1 />
      <count type="int">${cases_linked}</count>


    The result looks like:


    <response status="success">
        <message type="message" href="/messages/id/59" view_href="">   
          <subject type="string">CASE: 12345: This is a test</subject>    
            <count type="int">10</count>
            <count type="int">3</count>



2 Replies

  • Not sure if you have the feature enabled in your community, but we use endpoints for this.  Within the endpoint, we make all of the REST calls then produce a consolidated XML output with only the data we care about.  For example, here is the code we use in a search-before-post endpoint to give us a consolidated list of matches along with their kudos and a custom metadata count of cases linked.


    <#assign subject ="subject", "") />
    <#assign size ="size", "") />
    <#assign messages = restadmin("/search/messages?one_or_more=" + subject?replace(" ", "+") + "&page_size=" + size + "&restapi.response_style=view").messages />
    <response status="success">
    <#list messages.message as message>
      <message type="message" href="${message.@href}" view_href="${message.@view_href}">
      <subject type="string">${message.subject}</subject>
      <count type="int">${message.kudos.count}</count>
      <#assign cases_linked = 0 />
      <#assign tags = restadmin("/messages/id/" + + "/tagging/tags/all").tags />
      <#list tags.tag as tag>
        <#if tag.text?starts_with("tz:km:")>
          <#assign cases_linked = cases_linked + 1 />
      <count type="int">${cases_linked}</count>


    The result looks like:


    <response status="success">
        <message type="message" href="/messages/id/59" view_href="">   
          <subject type="string">CASE: 12345: This is a test</subject>    
            <count type="int">10</count>
            <count type="int">3</count>



  • duannguyen's avatar
    13 years ago

    Thank you, that's pretty awesome.  I will try this out and check with my admin to see if we have such feature enabled.  In the meantime, I made 3 separate calls, got the resulting XML and did a merge on all 3.  I then send that combined XML to my XSLT to format the output.  Thank you for your time and sample codes.