Forum Discussion
alfredojahn, There is no need to create a new skin or new quilt for that.
You can follow this tutorial to create custom component. You can add HTML/CSS to new custom component and place it to the page quilt where ever you want to show that.
@Parshant, thanks for the response. I'm sure this is a dumb question. When I'm on a page (the page/quilt I wish to add my component too), can I get the page name from the URL? I think I have the "create component" part (sort of) figured out. I will be creating it in the SDK. Now I need to find the page to add it to. Any suggestions or tips? I'm not intimately familiar with our site. :-)
- luk7 years agoBoss
alfredojahn for that you best go to Admin > Content > Custom Pages (left sidebar) then in that purple bar on top you click the link "Choose" to switch the node, an overlay will pop open with the community structure, there you need to find the node/page you want to have your custom component displayed on. Choose that node and the page you're on should (only if there are custom quilts available!) show a bunch of dropdowns that either say "Default" or the name of the custom quilt. That can give you a hint where to look in more complex setups.
If you don't know or (as you say) are not very familiar with the site, you can go the reverse way and look a the particular page in the frontend where you know you want to place your custom component. Open your browser's inspector and have a look at the body-tag, the quilt-name is always there, although not a customized one (will always be "CategoryPage" for a category page, no matter if you use a quilt called "CategoryPage.Landing" or whatever). - Parshant7 years agoBoss
This article will help and guide you to for create custom component and adding component to a page.
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