Forum Discussion
7 Replies
Something like this should work:
<#list restadmin("/users/id/${}/roles").roles.role as role><#if && ( == "Administrator")>You can use below code in your custom component with this function to re-use in areas.
<#function user_has_role (id, roles)> <#assign liql = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE IN (${roles}) and id = '${id}'" /> <#assign query = rest("2.0","/search?q=" + liql?url) /> <#if (query.status == "success") && gt 0> <#return true> <#else> <#return false> </#if> </#function>
and call it like this:
<#if user.registered && user_has_role(,"'Administrator', 'Developer'")> ... </#if>
Is there any way where i can avoid making this rest call to fetch roles?? Some predefined function which returns me roles??
No, there is no other way then this for custom component.
If you are using in custom page for a category, then you can set the role permission to the whole page.
Parshant This works great for me! But I would like to also PREVENT a link from showing up for a certain role. Could you help me with that? I'm showing Software Notifications to anyone with role "CARRIER_CUSTOMER" - how can I hide Discussions from that same role?
<#function user_has_role (id, roles)>
<#assign liql = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE IN (${roles}) and id = '${id}'" />
<#assign query = rest("2.0","/search?q=" + liql?url) />
<#if (query.status == "success") && gt 0>
<#return true>
<#return false>
</#function><a href="/t5/Discussion/ct-p/discussion">Discussions</a><br>
<a href="/t5/Product-Notices/ct-p/product-notices-doc">Product Notices</a><br>
<#if user.registered && user_has_role(,"'Administrator'")>
<a href="/t5/Software-Notifications/ct-p/software-notifications">Software Notifications</a><br>
</#if>Your code should be,
<#function user_has_role (id, roles)> <#assign liql = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE IN (${roles}) and id = '${id}'" /> <#assign query = rest("2.0","/search?q=" + liql?url) /> <#if (query.status == "success") && gt 0> <#return true> <#else> <#return false> </#if> </#function> <#if user.registered && user_has_role(,"'CARRIER_CUSTOMER'")> <#else> <a href="/t5/Discussion/ct-p/discussion">Discussions</a><br> </#if> <a href="/t5/Product-Notices/ct-p/product-notices-doc">Product Notices</a><br> <#if user.registered && user_has_role(,"'CARRIER_CUSTOMER'")> <a href="/t5/Software-Notifications/ct-p/software-notifications">Software Notifications</a><br> </#if>
diptikaushikkar wrote:Is there any way where i can avoid making this rest call to fetch roles?? Some predefined function which returns me roles??
What I do in our environment (which I tailored from the sample code in the blog post How We Built It: Atlas Custom Header by SuzieH) is store our users' roles in the user cache so I only have to perform the REST query every once in a while and then can just reference the user cache going forward.
For example:
<#-------------------- Function: getUserInfo --------------------> <#-- This function aggregates frequently needed user information and stores it in the user cache --> <#function getUserInfo force=false refresh=false> <#-- Initially define the userInfo data --> <#if refresh> <#local userInfo = {} /> <#else> <#local userInfo = usercache.get("userInfo")!{} /> </#if> <#-- Check to see if there is already valid user info cached --> <#if userInfo["valid"]?? && userInfo["valid"] && !force && !refresh> <#return userInfo /> <#else> <#-- Get the roles for the user --> <#local userRoles = getUserRoles() /> <#-- Add the roles to the userInfo data --> <#local userInfo = userInfo + {"roles": userRoles} /> <#-- SNIP --> <#-- Add the valid flag --> <#local userInfo = userInfo + {"valid": true} /> <#-- Return the userInfo data --> <#return usercache.put("userInfo", userInfo) /> </#if> </#function> <#-------------------- Function: getUserRoles --------------------> <#-- This function retrieves the roles associated with the user via the API --> <#function getUserRoles> <#if !user.anonymous> <#return restadmin("/users/id/${}/roles").roles.role /> <#else> <#return [] /> </#if> </#function>
Then it's pretty easy to just recall the user cache in other components as needed. For example:
<#-- Import the user cache functions --> <#include "custom.macro.cache.user.ftl" /> <#-- Retrieve the userInfo data --> <#assign userInfo = getUserInfo() /> <#-- Ensure that the user is an employee --> <#if userInfo["roles"]?? && userInfo["roles"]?seq_contains("employee")> <#-- Do cool stuff here --> </#if>
Hope this helps!
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