Forum Discussion

Lindsey's avatar
6 years ago

How to download all skins in Studio into SDK

In order to set up our local skin development environment, we need all the skins that exist in Studio to be downloaded into the SDK.

Our custom skin depends on a skin called "Support Theme" that a Khoros support member created, which depends on responsive skins. Setting up the local skin dev complains that our skin does not depend on a responsive skin, because it doesn't have all the skins downloaded to view.

How can we download all the skins that exist in Studio into our SDK? We have tried:

  • li export-studio-plugin
  • li export-studio-plugin --points "skin" --force
  • li create-skin --clearCore

And none of these appear to work.

20 Replies

  • Parshant's avatar
    6 years ago

    Lindsey, SO this could be core skin, which you can download until not editable from admin. You can log support ticket for this  issue and concern at your end.


    Best thing I would say, Inherit this skin to your custom skin, and override the updates you want to your skin css using mixin and other override css rules

  • TysonN's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    6 years ago

    Themes skins (both base and support) are core skins which wouldn't normally be included in your SDK export.  Parshant 's suggestion is also what I'd recommend, as Themes skins do contain directives to copy Sass partials to skins which inherit from them.  Themes skin partials are also viewable, read-only, in Studio.

  • Lindsey's avatar
    6 years ago

    I don't understand the suggestion. Do you mean have theme_support's parent skin be my custom skin? Wouldn't that still cause an error?

  • TysonN's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    6 years ago

    If you derive a custom skin from the theme_support skin, all of the theme_support Sass files will be copied there.

  • Lindsey's avatar
    6 years ago

    But my custom skin is already derived from theme_support?

  • TysonN's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    6 years ago

    Then you already started with a copy of the theme_support files. 

    If you're trying to do local Sass compilation, that's not (yet) supported via the Community SDK, and as you've discovered, it's not straightforward to obtain all of the core Sass files.  You can, however, find read-only copies in Studio.

  • Lindsey's avatar
    6 years ago

    So what do you recommend doing? Because I need to to the li set-responsive-options to do local Sass compilation through studio too so it will know which skin to serve right? Should I go in and manually copy all the contents of the read only files of theme_support?

  • TysonN's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    6 years ago

    Ah, sorry, I mis-spoke.  Of course we do support local Sass compilation via li serve-sass.  But the Community SDK code does not currently handle core theme code. 

    Back to SuzieH 's original response, this could be considered a bug, and is worth reporting to Support.

    In the meantime, you could use Parshant 's workaround, which I believe is to create a new custom skin derived from "theme_support".  This is effectively a copy of theme_support, and since it's custom, Community SDK should allow you to export it.  You could then rename your local copy to "theme_support" and see if that allows you to compile locally via li serve-sass.  Not sure if Parshant has actually done this exact thing.  I have not.

    Another option is to manually copy files out of Studio.  You're right that that doesn't sound like much fun.

  • Lindsey's avatar
    6 years ago

    So create a skin in studio with its parent being theme_support, just call it theme_support,  don't change any files, and then do li export-studio-plugin and it should download what is in theme_support?

  • TysonN's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    6 years ago

    You couldn't call the child "theme_support" in Studio, but I believe that's what Parshant is suggesting, yes.