Forum Discussion

AbhishekIlindra's avatar
10 years ago

How to find a Page



Is there anyway we can find a page in the community.


For exmaple: We want to goto  Tooltip Clipper Message anyway to find the page on the UI






  • VarunGrazitti's avatar
    10 years ago
    No, you can get the page name only when you are on that page.
      • VarunGrazitti's avatar

        AbhishekIlindra - Use firebug and look for body tag and the class would be your page name. e.g.


        this is for current page, i.e. discussion page, so name is ForumTopicPage.

        <body class="lia-board ForumTopicPage lia-body ischrome chrome44 iswebkit" id="lia-body">


        this is for replypage

        <body class="lia-board ReplyPage lia-body ischrome chrome44 iswebkit" id="lia-body">


        I hope this helps.