5 years agoBoss
How to obtain the current user's threaded message sort order?
I need to know what the thread message sort order of the current viewing user is. I am referring to this setting with the threaded view:
I looked at the admin page at /t5/bizapps/bizappspage/tab/community%3Aadmin%3Ainteractions%3Aforums%3Aforum-display and "Threaded format: Sorting order within topics" setting's radio ID to obtain the setting name "layout.threading_order". But when I query them either way:
<#assign sort_order = restadmin("/settings/name/layout.sort_view_by_last_post_date").value />
${"layout.sort_view_by_last_post_date", "none")}
both just returned "thread_descending" regardless of how I change this via the dropdown menu in above screenshot.
Anyone can share a way how I can obtain the currently active thread sort order programmatically?
(Client side looking via JavaScript at which dropdown item is selected won't work.)